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Saudi Arabia Education Links

Associations & Societies    Conferences    General Information    Libraries Universities 
   Schools   Miscellaneous   Colleges, Academies & Institutes    Educational Organisations


Associations & Societies (هيئات و جمعيات تعليمية)

  • Saudi Students Management Association (SSMA), UK (رابطة العلوم الأدارية ببريطانيا)
    The association is one of the associations which is established by the Saudi Students clubs in the United Kingdom. Its main objective is to encourage group effort in the field of business administration in general through exchange and co-operation between Saudi Students in the UK.


Conferences (مؤتمرات)

  • Conference Announcements (أعلانات من المؤتمرات)
    Here you can announce and view announced conferences in the areas of Academic, Business, Government, Health Care, Industry, Training, Others/Not Defined.


General Information (معلومات عامة)


Libraries (مكتبات)


Colleges, Academeis & Institutes (كليات وأكاديميات و معاهد)

  • Institute of Public Administration (معهد الإدارة العامة)
  • Institute of Banking (المعهد المصرفي)
  • Islamic Saudi Academy (الأكاديمية الأسلامية السعودية)
    Islamic Saudi Academy in Northern Virginia, USA, grades K through 12
  • Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences (أكاديمية نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية)
    Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences was established to fulfill the needs expressed by Arab Law Enforcement Agencies for an academic institution that would promote research on security issues, offer postgraduate programs, and conduct short-term training courses that can contribute to the prevention and control of crime in the Arab countries.
  • The College of Teachers at Al Jouf (كلية المعلمين بالجوف)
  • Effat College (private higher education for women)
    PO Box 34689, Jeddah 21478 KSA; Tel: +966 2 230 0012; Fax: +966 2 637 7447


Universities (جامعات)


Schools (مدارس)

International Schools Group


Educational Organisations (منظمات وهيئات تعليمية)

  • British Council in Saudi Arabia (المجلس البريطاني بالمملكة)
    The British Council has operated in Riyadh since 1967, and now has offices and teaching centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam. it promotes British education and training, and educational reform; teaches English; provides information about Britain and access to Britain's information resources; encourages academic and professional collaboration; manages scholarships for higher study and research in Britain; promotes and manages British examinations
  • Cultural Mission-USA (الملحق الثقافي بأمريكا)
    Cultural Mission at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington DC
  • King Abulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (دارة الملك عبدالعزيز) 
    The main objectives of King Abulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives is to preserve the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in particular its geography, literature, thought and architecture; in the peninsula, Arab lands and Islam in general. Ad-Darah collects and classifies the many historical sources and documents which deal, with the history of Saudi Arabia. Ad-Darah is an independent academic establishment.
  • Ministry of Higher Education (وزارة التعليم العالي)
  • Saudi Cultural Offices abroad (الملحقيات الثقافية السعودية)
  • The Guidance & Counseling Center  (مركز التوجيه والارشاد)
  • The Saudi Teacher Web Site (موقع المعلم السعودي)



  • British Council in Saudi Arabia
    The British Council has operated in Riyadh since 1967, and now has offices and teaching centres in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam. it promotes British education and training, and educational reform; teaches English; provides information about Britain and access to Britain's information resources; encourages academic and professional collaboration; manages scholarships for higher study and research in Britain; promotes and manages British examinations
  • Cultural Mission
    Cultural Mission at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington DC
  • Islamic Saudi Academy
    Islamic Saudi Academy in Northern Virginia, USA, grades K through 12
  • King Abulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives دارة الملك عبد العزيز
    The main objectives of King Abulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives is to preserve the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in particular its geography, literature, thought and architecture; in the peninsula, Arab lands and Islam in general. Ad-Darah collects and classifies the many historical sources and documents which deal, with the history of Saudi Arabia. Ad-Darah is an independent academic establishment.
  • Ministry of Higher Education
  • Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences
    Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences was established to fulfill the needs expressed by Arab Law Enforcement Agencies for an academic institution that would promote research on security issues, offer postgraduate programs, and conduct short-term training courses that can contribute to the prevention and control of crime in the Arab countries.
  • Saudi Cultural Offices abroad






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